National Theatre at Home
Bringing theatre to anyone, anywhere


In March 2020 the world came to a grinding halt. We all got sent home, shops closed, restaurants sat empty and the National Theatre closed the doors. An unusual time required a dramatic response. In response to this, National Theatre at Home was born.

Brand Development: Graphic Design Studio
Head of Marketing and Distribution: Karen Palmer

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National Theatre at Home sits under the umbrella of National Theatre and therefore needed to feel familiar but equally, with it being a very new and different offering, had to have its own identity. Keeping the structure from the main NT logo, it seemed like an obvious but effective solution to use the at from theatre to create the at home.

With a weekly deadline and a very small team, the sheer amount of work for each play was vast with numerous assets to create from thumbnails and trailers to marketing assets and social media content.


In National Theatre at Home’s first iteration plays were released every Thursday for free on YouTube not only to keep engagement with existing audiences but also to drive donations. In under two months the subscribers grew from 65k to 600k.



After incredible success on YouTube, National Theatre at Home became a paid-for digital streaming service: Ost Modern built the Vimeo-hosted platform and the branding was developed internally to take on its own palette separate to National Theatre.

With over 33,000 subscribers, National Theatre at Home successfully achieved its mission which was to bring theatre to anyone, anywhere.